Reflections on an Unforgettable Journey to Taiwan

As I reflect on my recent journey through Taiwan, I'm reminded of the transformative power of travel. They say travel changes you, and it certainly did for me. Being away from home taught me the invaluable lesson of self-sufficiency — a complete superpower in its own right.

If there's one thing I learned from immersing myself in Taiwan's diverse landscapes and vibrant culture, it's this: true self-discovery often happens when you step outside the familiar. Away from the environments and influences that define us, we're given the rare opportunity to see ourselves with clarity. It's in these moments of complete disconnection—where the backdrop of everyday life fades — that our authentic selves emerge, unburdened by external expectations.

Beyond the bustling streets of Taipei, Taiwan revealed itself as a destination that is filled with sights and experiences waiting to be uncovered. From the peaceful sunsets at Yehliu Geopark, the beautiful vineyards of Xinfeng Farm in Taichung, to the historical streets of Lukang, each destination offered a unique glimpse into Taiwan's rich heritage. The warmth of its people and the seamless blend of tradition with modernity left an indelible mark on my journey.

As a Muslim traveler, I was pleasantly surprised by Taiwan's commitment to catering to diverse dietary needs. Halal-certified restaurants like Fried Chicken Master in Taoyuan and Halal Dumplings Da'an in Taichung not only offered delicious cuisine but also a sense of cultural authenticity. Even amid the vibrant energy of night markets, finding Muslim-friendly options became a delightful adventure of its own.

If you're considering Taiwan for your next adventure, I highly encourage you to venture beyond Taipei's skyscrapers. Explore the lush landscapes of Taichung, the coastal charms of the Northern Coast, and the cultural enclaves waiting to be discovered. Taiwan's dedication to welcoming Muslim travelers, evident in its halal-friendly amenities and warm hospitality, ensures a journey that's both enriching and memorable.

My journey through Taiwan was more than just sightseeing — it was a journey of self-discovery and cultural immersion. Stepping outside my comfort zone allowed me to appreciate Taiwan's diversity, connect with strangers, and embrace experiences that transcended mere tourism. Taiwan beckons with its hidden gems and warm hospitality, inviting travelers to explore, learn, and grow.

I’ll be back, no doubt.

Nurul Mimsy

Nurul was born in Malaysia, raised in Singapore and graduated from Western Australia. Her dream is to migrate there one day. With over 8 years of marketing and blogging experience, Nurul now specialises in SEO and content, serving the Muslim community through tech.

She loves cameras, quiet mornings, bubble tea, roller coasters, iced coffee, bungee jumping and brunches over any other meal of the day. Just don’t let her eat any durian or anything spicy.

Where To Stay In Taiwan: Century Hotel Taoyuan


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