Jogjakarta in Squares

I have been down with a serious case of runny nose and headache. My mother thinks that it's because I've been riding without a jacket (typical makcik thinking hahaha) and my friends think it's because I haven't had a single off day since forever. Well, they are probably right but the last time I felt this horrible and sick was when I was on the ten days trip with the boys to Indo-Malaysia. A round of applause to my immune system for being able to sustain seven months without a single visit to the doctor. 

Anyway, I'm too sick (and lazy) to list down a caption for each square so I hope that they are pretty self-explanatory? And no, I have not even started on editing the footage for the vlog or trip overview (please don't kill me, boys) but in order to make myself feel better, here is a recap on our trip to Jogja, in squares. We spent new year's there and it was a trip to remember indeed. I promise I'll start editing and writing about the trip when I have time. Promise.

Meanwhile, leaving my instagram here for those who would like daily updates :) Til then, stay healthy everybody! ♥

Nurul Mimsy

Nurul was born in Malaysia, raised in Singapore and graduated from Western Australia. Her dream is to migrate there one day. With over 8 years of marketing and blogging experience, Nurul now specialises in SEO and content, serving the Muslim community through tech.

She loves cameras, quiet mornings, bubble tea, roller coasters, iced coffee, bungee jumping and brunches over any other meal of the day. Just don’t let her eat any durian or anything spicy.

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