8 Reasons Why Taiwan is a Top Travel Destination for Malaysians

When it comes to planning a vacation, Malaysians are increasingly choosing Taiwan as their go-to destination. With its blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and welcoming environment, Taiwan offers something for everyone. Whether you're a foodie, a nature enthusiast, or someone looking for a stress-free travel experience, Taiwan ticks all the boxes.

Here’s a closer look at why Taiwan is a top pick for Malaysian travelers.

1. Visa-Free Travel
Traveling to Taiwan is incredibly convenient for Malaysians because there's no need to apply for a visa if your trip is less than 30 days. All you have to do is book your flight and accommodation, and once you arrive, fill out the immigration form. Easy, right?

2. Plenty of Direct Flights from KLIA
Getting to Taiwan is hassle-free with multiple airlines offering direct flights from KLIA, including Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Batik Air, and EVA Air. The flight takes about 5 hours, and the prices are quite reasonable—round-trip tickets are typically around RM500.

3. Strong Malaysian Ringgit Against the Taiwanese Dollar
As of today, RM1 equals 7.6 TWD, so you can enjoy shopping without breaking the bank. We managed to buy books, perfume, and streetwear here, and we’re very satisfied with the prices. And the food? Absolutely no complaints there. 😂

4. Halal & Muslim-Friendly Food Options
Finding Halal or Muslim-friendly food in Taiwan is easier than you might think. Just do a quick search on Google or TikTok. You’ll find certified Halal restaurants as well as vegetarian and seafood options that meet Muslim dietary requirements. It’s all up to your preference.

5. Plenty of Muslim-Friendly Amenities
Bidets are common, prayer rooms are available at many attractions, and some hotels even provide Qurans and prayer mats. Last year, Taipei was awarded “Most Promising Muslim-Friendly City,” thanks to the Salam Taiwan campaign, which aims to attract more Muslim tourists.

6. Stunning Natural Beauty
Being an island, Taiwan boasts breathtaking sunsets and sunrises, especially along the Northern Coast. The central region is mountainous, making it a paradise for nature lovers and hikers.

7. Rich Culture & History
To fully appreciate Taiwan’s culture and history, we recommend joining a guided tour. It’s much easier to learn from a knowledgeable guide. You can also rent traditional clothing and take a rickshaw ride to explore the area. Keep an eye out for Nurul’s vlog on this—be sure to follow her on TikTok!

8. Friendly Locals
Taiwanese people are incredibly friendly and welcoming. They don’t mind if you wear a hijab, record vlogs, or laugh loudly. Everyone just goes about their own business.

With its visa-free access, affordable travel options, and a wealth of experiences catering to different interests, it’s easy to see why Taiwan is a top travel destination for Malaysians. Whether you’re planning a shopping spree, a nature hike, or a cultural exploration, Taiwan has it all. So why not make Taiwan your next travel adventure?

If you have any questions or need more tips, don’t hesitate to comment below or check out our vlogs on TikTok. Safe travels!

Nurul Mimsy

Nurul was born in Malaysia, raised in Singapore and graduated from Western Australia. Her dream is to migrate there one day. With over 8 years of marketing and blogging experience, Nurul now specialises in SEO and content, serving the Muslim community through tech.

She loves cameras, quiet mornings, bubble tea, roller coasters, iced coffee, bungee jumping and brunches over any other meal of the day. Just don’t let her eat any durian or anything spicy.


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